Friday, December 27, 2019

Peace and Happiness

There was a huge crowd at the entrance of a palace. 
A monk asked for alms to the king. 
The king said to him, whatever you want I will fulfill any wish, since you are the first person/(yachak) priest of the day and I have a rule to fulfill any wish for the first person every morning. 
The monk Moved his small alms ahead and said, "Just fill it with gold."

The king thought what could be more simple than this, but when the gold coins were put in that alms, it was found that it was impossible to fill it, it was magical, the more currency was put in it, the more empty it became, seeing the king sad. 
Than the monk said to the king, let me know if you can't fill, I will leave with the empty vessel only. 
At most it will happen that people will say that the king could not fulfill his promise.

The king emptied all his treasure, everything he had was put in that container, but surprisingly that was not filled, again the king tried but it did not filled, then 
The king asked the monk, your container is not ordinary, filling it is out of my power. 
I may ask what is the secret of this wonderful container ..?

That monk started laughing and said no special secret king, this container is made from the heart of man
do you know that the heart of man can never be filled ..? 
From wealth to knowledge, to fill it with anything, it will remain empty, because it has not been made to fill with these things. 
We are trying to fill it with many things, but because of not knowing this truth, the more we gets, the poorer we become, the heart desires more and more, even than it is not calm, why ..? 
Because the heart is made to get the divine and the divine resides in the truth,
so do you want peace? 
do you Want satisfaction? 
So make a resolution that I want nothing but God and Truth ……
This will give you complete peace and happiness.